onadata.libs.utils package


onadata.libs.utils.api_export_tools module

onadata.libs.utils.api_export_tools.custom_response_handler(request, xform, query, export_type, token=None, meta=None, dataview=False, filename=None)
onadata.libs.utils.api_export_tools.get_async_response(job_uuid, request, xform, count=0)
onadata.libs.utils.api_export_tools.include_hxl_row(dv_columns, hxl_columns)

This function returns a boolean value. If the dataview’s columns are not part of the hxl columns, we return False. Returning False would mean that we don’t have to add the hxl column row if there aren’t any hxl columns in the dataview. :param dv_columns - dataview columns :param hxl_columns - hxl columns from the dataview’s xform

:return True or False

onadata.libs.utils.api_export_tools.log_export(request, xform, export_type)
onadata.libs.utils.api_export_tools.process_async_export(request, xform, export_type, options=None)

Check if should generate export or just return the latest export. Rules for regenerating an export are:

  1. Filter included on the exports.

  2. New submission done.

  3. Always regenerate external exports.
    (External exports uses templates and the template might have


  • request
  • xform
  • export_type
  • options – additional export params that may include query: export filter token: template url for xls external reports meta: metadataid that contains the external xls report template url remove_group_name: Flag to determine if group names should appear

response dictionary

onadata.libs.utils.api_export_tools.response_for_format(data, format=None)

onadata.libs.utils.async_status module

onadata.libs.utils.async_status.async_status(status, error=None)

onadata.libs.utils.audit module

onadata.libs.utils.backup_tools module

onadata.libs.utils.backup_tools.create_zip_backup(zip_output_file, user, xform=None)
onadata.libs.utils.backup_tools.restore_backup_from_path(dir_path, username, status)

Only restores xml submissions, media files are assumed to still be in storage and will be retrieved by the filename stored within the submission

onadata.libs.utils.backup_tools.restore_backup_from_xml_file(xml_instance_path, username)
onadata.libs.utils.backup_tools.restore_backup_from_zip(zip_file_path, username)

onadata.libs.utils.briefcase_client module

class onadata.libs.utils.briefcase_client.BriefcaseClient(url, username, password, user)

Bases: object

download_instances(form_id, cursor=0, num_entries=100)
download_manifest(manifest_url, id_string)
download_media_files(xml_doc, media_path)
onadata.libs.utils.briefcase_client.django_file(file_obj, field_name, content_type)
onadata.libs.utils.briefcase_client.node_value(node, tag_name)
onadata.libs.utils.briefcase_client.retry(tries, delay=3, backoff=2)
Adapted from code found here:

Retries a function or method until it returns True.

delay sets the initial delay in seconds, and backoff sets the factor by which the delay should lengthen after each failure. backoff must be greater than 1, or else it isn’t really a backoff. tries must be at least 0, and delay greater than 0.

onadata.libs.utils.cache_tools module


onadata.libs.utils.chart_tools module

onadata.libs.utils.chart_tools.build_chart_data(xform, language_index=0, page=0)
onadata.libs.utils.chart_tools.build_chart_data_for_field(xform, field, language_index=0, choices=None, group_by=None, data_view=None)
onadata.libs.utils.chart_tools.build_chart_data_from_widget(widget, language_index=0)
onadata.libs.utils.chart_tools.calculate_ranges(page, items_per_page, total_items)

Return the offset and end indices for a slice.

onadata.libs.utils.chart_tools.find_choice_label(choices, string)
onadata.libs.utils.chart_tools.get_chart_data_for_field(field_name, xform, accepted_format, group_by, field_xpath=None, data_view=None)

Get chart data for a given xlsform field.

onadata.libs.utils.chart_tools.get_choice_label(choices, string)

string is the name value found in the choices sheet.

Select one names should not contain spaces but some do and this conflicts with Select Multiple fields which use spaces to distinguish multiple choices.

A temporal fix to this is to search the choices list for both the full-string and the split keys.

onadata.libs.utils.chart_tools.get_field_choices(field, xform)

Retrieve field choices from a form survey element :param field: :param xform: :return: Form field choices

onadata.libs.utils.chart_tools.get_field_from_field_name(field_name, xform)
onadata.libs.utils.chart_tools.get_field_from_field_xpath(field_xpath, xform)
onadata.libs.utils.chart_tools.get_field_label(field, language_index=0)

Convert 2014-01-16T12:07:23.322+03 to 2014-01-16T12:07:23.322+03:00

Cant use datetime.str[fp]time here since python 2.7’s %z is platform dependant - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2609259/converting-string-t o-datetime-object-in-python

onadata.libs.utils.common_tags module

onadata.libs.utils.common_tools module

onadata.libs.utils.common_tools.get_boolean_value(str_var, default=None)

Return boolean True or False if string s represents a boolean value

onadata.libs.utils.country_field module

class onadata.libs.utils.country_field.CountryField(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.db.models.fields.CharField


onadata.libs.utils.csv_builder module

class onadata.libs.utils.csv_builder.AbstractDataFrameBuilder(username, id_string, filter_query=None, group_delimiter='/', split_select_multiples=True, binary_select_multiples=False, start=None, end=None, remove_group_name=False, xform=None, include_labels=False, include_labels_only=False, include_images=True, include_hxl=False, win_excel_utf8=False)

Bases: object

ADDITIONAL_COLUMNS = [u'_uuid', u'_submission_time', u'_tags', u'_notes', u'_version', u'_duration', u'_submitted_by']

Group functionality used by any DataFrameBuilder i.e. XLS, CSV and KML

IGNORED_COLUMNS = [u'_xform_id_string', u'_status', u'_id', u'_attachments', u'_geolocation', u'_bamboo_dataset_id', u'_deleted_at', '_edited']
class onadata.libs.utils.csv_builder.CSVDataFrameBuilder(username, id_string, filter_query=None, group_delimiter='/', split_select_multiples=True, binary_select_multiples=False, start=None, end=None, remove_group_name=False, xform=None, include_labels=False, include_labels_only=False, include_images=False, include_hxl=False, win_excel_utf8=False)

Bases: onadata.libs.utils.csv_builder.AbstractDataFrameBuilder

export_to(path, dataview=None)
onadata.libs.utils.csv_builder.get_column_names_only(columns, dd, group_delimiter)
onadata.libs.utils.csv_builder.get_labels_from_columns(columns, dd, group_delimiter)
onadata.libs.utils.csv_builder.write_to_csv(path, rows, columns, columns_with_hxl=None, remove_group_name=False, dd=None, group_delimiter='/', include_labels=False, include_labels_only=False, include_hxl=False, win_excel_utf8=False)

onadata.libs.utils.csv_import module

onadata.libs.utils.csv_import.dict2xmlsubmission(submission_dict, xform, instance_id, submission_date)

Creates and xml submission from an appropriate dict (& other data)

  • submission_dict (dict) – A dict containing form submission data.
  • xfrom (onadata.apps.logger.models.XForm) – The submission’s XForm.
  • instance_id (string) – The submission/instance uuid.
  • submission_date (string) – An isoformatted datetime string.

An xml submission string

Return type:


onadata.libs.utils.csv_import.dict_merge(a, b)

Returns a merger of two dicts a and b

credits: https://www.xormedia.com/recursively-merge-dictionaries-in-python

  • a (dict) – The “Part A” dict
  • b (dict) – The “Part B” dict

The merger

Return type:



Turns a flat dict to a nested dict

Takes a dict with pathkeys or “slash-namespaced” keys and inflates them into nested dictionaries i.e:- d[‘/path/key/123’] -> d[‘path’][‘key’][‘123’]

Parameters:dictionary (dict) – A dict with one or more “slash-namespaced” keys
Returns:A nested dict
Return type:dict

Gets CSV Submision progress or result Can be used to pol long running submissions :param str job_uuid: The submission job uuid returned by _submit_csv.delay :return: Dict with import progress info (insertions & total) :rtype: Dict

onadata.libs.utils.csv_import.get_submission_meta_dict(xform, instance_id)

Generates metadata for our submission

Checks if instance_id belongs to an existing submission. If it does, it’s considered an edit and its uuid gets deprecated. In either case, a new one is generated and assigned.

  • xform (onadata.apps.logger.models.XForm) – The submission’s XForm.
  • instance_id (string) – The submission/instance uuid.

The metadata dict

Return type:


onadata.libs.utils.csv_import.submit_csv(username, xform, csv_file)

Imports CSV data to an existing form

Takes a csv formatted file or string containing rows of submission/instance and converts those to xml submissions and finally submits them by calling onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.safe_create_instance()

  • username (str) – the subission user
  • xfrom (onadata.apps.logger.models.XForm) – The submission’s XForm.
  • or file) ((str) – A CSV formatted file with submission rows.

If sucessful, a dict with import summary else dict with error str.

Return type:


onadata.libs.utils.csv_reader module

class onadata.libs.utils.csv_reader.CsvReader(path)

Bases: object

Typical usage:

csv_reader = CsvReader(path)
for d in csv_reader.iter_dicts():

A CsvReader object is iterable (since we have defined __iter__ and next methods. Each iteration of this object returns a row of data.


onadata.libs.utils.decorators module


onadata.libs.utils.dict_tools module

onadata.libs.utils.dict_tools.get_values_matching_key(doc, key)
onadata.libs.utils.dict_tools.list_to_dict(items, value)

onadata.libs.utils.export_builder module

class onadata.libs.utils.export_builder.ExportBuilder

Bases: object

CONVERT_FUNCS = {'int': <function <lambda> at 0x7ffa0bab5758>, 'date': <function <lambda> at 0x7ffa0bab5848>, 'decimal': <function <lambda> at 0x7ffa0bab57d0>, 'dateTime': <function <lambda> at 0x7ffa0bab58c0>}
EXTRA_FIELDS = [u'_id', u'_uuid', u'_submission_time', u'_index', u'_parent_table_name', u'_parent_index', u'_tags', u'_notes', u'_version', u'_duration', u'_submitted_by']
IGNORED_COLUMNS = [u'_xform_id_string', u'_status', u'_attachments', u'_geolocation', u'_bamboo_dataset_id', u'_deleted_at']
TYPES_TO_CONVERT = ['int', 'decimal', 'date']
classmethod convert_type(value, data_type)

Convert data to its native type e.g. string ‘1’ to int 1 @param value: the string value to convert @param data_type: the native data type to convert to @return: the converted value

classmethod decode_mongo_encoded_fields(row, encoded_fields)
classmethod decode_mongo_encoded_section_names(data)
classmethod format_field_title(abbreviated_xpath, field_delimiter, data_dictionary, remove_group_name=False)
get_fields(dataview, section, key)
classmethod get_valid_sheet_name(desired_name, existing_names)
pre_process_row(row, section)

Split select multiples, gps and decode . and $

classmethod split_gps_components(row, gps_fields)
classmethod split_select_multiples(row, select_multiples)
classmethod string_to_date_with_xls_validation(date_str)
to_flat_csv_export(path, data, username, id_string, filter_query, **kwargs)
to_xls_export(path, data, *args, **kwargs)
to_zipped_csv(path, data, *args, **kwargs)
to_zipped_sav(path, data, *args, **kwargs)
url = None

Returns fully qualified URL (no trailing slash) for the current site. :param path :return: complete url

onadata.libs.utils.export_builder.dict_to_joined_export(data, index, indices, name, survey, row, media_xpaths=[])

Converts a dict into one or more tabular datasets :param data: current record which can be changed or updated :param index: keeps count of record number :param indices: a dictionary storing list values if data is a dict :param name: the name of the survey :param survey: the survey :param row: current record that remains unchanged on this function’s recall

onadata.libs.utils.export_builder.encode_if_str(row, key, encode_dates=False)
onadata.libs.utils.export_builder.get_value_or_attachment_uri(key, value, row, data_dictionary, media_xpaths, attachment_list=None)

Gets either the attachment value or the attachment url :param key: used to retrieve survey element :param value: filename :param row: current records row :param data_dictionary: form structure :param include_images: boolean value to either inlcude images or not :param attachment_list: to be used incase row doesn’t have ATTACHMENTS key :return: value

onadata.libs.utils.export_tools module


Replaces the slashes found in a dataset keys with underscores :param record: list containing a couple of dictionaries :return: record with keys without slashes

onadata.libs.utils.export_tools.create_export_object(xform, export_type, options)
onadata.libs.utils.export_tools.dict_to_flat_export(d, parent_index=0)
onadata.libs.utils.export_tools.export_retry(tries, delay=3, backoff=2)
Adapted from code found here:

Retries a function or method until it returns True.

delay sets the initial delay in seconds, and backoff sets the factor by which the delay should lengthen after each failure. backoff must be greater than 1, or else it isn’t really a backoff. tries must be at least 0, and delay greater than 0.

onadata.libs.utils.export_tools.generate_attachments_zip_export(export_type, username, id_string, export_id=None, options=None, xform=None)

Generates zip export of attachments.

param: export_type params: username: logged in username params: id_string: xform id_string params: export_id: ID of export object associated with the request param: options: additional parameters required for the lookup.

ext: File extension of the generated export
onadata.libs.utils.export_tools.generate_export(self, *args, **kwargs)
onadata.libs.utils.export_tools.generate_external_export(export_type, username, id_string, export_id=None, options=None, xform=None)

Generates external export using ONA data through an external service.

param: export_type params: username: logged in username params: id_string: xform id_string params: export_id: ID of export object associated with the request param: options: additional parameters required for the lookup.

data_id: instance id query: filter_query for custom queries meta: metadata associated with external export token: authentication key required by external service
onadata.libs.utils.export_tools.generate_kml_export(export_type, username, id_string, export_id=None, options=None, xform=None)

Generates kml export for geographical data

param: export_type params: username: logged in username params: id_string: xform id_string params: export_id: ID of export object associated with the request param: options: additional parameters required for the lookup.

ext: File extension of the generated export
onadata.libs.utils.export_tools.generate_osm_export(export_type, username, id_string, export_id=None, options=None, xform=None)

Generates osm export for OpenStreetMap data

param: export_type params: username: logged in username params: id_string: xform id_string params: export_id: ID of export object associated with the request param: options: additional parameters required for the lookup.

ext: File extension of the generated export
onadata.libs.utils.export_tools.get_or_create_export(export_id, xform, export_type, options)

filename should be in the form file.ext or file-2.ext - we check for the dash and index and increment appropriately

onadata.libs.utils.export_tools.kml_export_data(id_string, user, xform=None)
onadata.libs.utils.export_tools.newest_export_for(xform, export_type, options)

Retrieve the latest export given the following arguments:

param: xform param: export_type param: options: additional parameters required for the lookup.

remove_group_name: boolean flag group_delimiter: “/” or ”.” with “/” as the default split_select_multiples: boolean flag binary_select_multiples: boolean flag

Parse export options in the request object into values returned in a list. The list represents a boolean for whether the group name should be removed, the group delimiter, and a boolean for whether select multiples should be split.

onadata.libs.utils.export_tools.should_create_new_export(xform, export_type, options, request=None)

Function that determines whether to create a new export. param: xform param: export_type param: options: additional parameters required for the lookup.

remove_group_name: boolean flag group_delimiter: “/” or ”.” with “/” as the default split_select_multiples: boolean flag binary_select_multiples: boolean flag

params: request: Get params are used to determine if new export is required

onadata.libs.utils.export_tools.upload_template_for_external_export(server, file_obj)

onadata.libs.utils.google module

onadata.libs.utils.gravatar module


onadata.libs.utils.image_tools module


Build a tuple of ints from float or integer arguments. Useful because PIL crop and resize require integer points. source: https://gist.github.com/16a01455

onadata.libs.utils.image_tools.image_url(attachment, suffix)

Return url of an image given size(@param suffix) e.g large, medium, small, or generate required thumbnail


onadata.libs.utils.log module

class onadata.libs.utils.log.AuditLogHandler(model='')

Bases: logging.Handler

class onadata.libs.utils.log.Enum(**enums)

Bases: object

onadata.libs.utils.log.audit_log(action, request_user, account_user, message, audit, request, level=10)

Create a log message based on these params

@param action: Action performed e.g. form-deleted @param request_username: User performing the action @param account_username: The formhub account the action was performed on @param message: The message to be displayed on the log @param level: log level @param audit: a dict of key/values of other info pertaining to the action e.g. form’s id_string, submission uuid @return: None

onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools module

class onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.BaseOpenRosaResponse(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.http.response.HttpResponse

status_code = 201
class onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.OpenRosaResponse(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.BaseOpenRosaResponse

status_code = 201
class onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.OpenRosaResponseBadRequest(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.OpenRosaResponse

status_code = 400
class onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.OpenRosaResponseForbidden(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.OpenRosaResponse

status_code = 403
class onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.OpenRosaResponseNotAllowed(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.OpenRosaResponse

status_code = 405
class onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.OpenRosaResponseNotFound(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.OpenRosaResponse

status_code = 404
class onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.PublishXForm(xml_file, user)

Bases: object

onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.check_edit_submission_permissions(request_user, xform)
onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.check_submission_permissions(request, xform)

Check that permission is required and the request user has permission.

The user does no have permissions iff:
  • the user is authed,
  • either the profile or the form require auth,
  • the xform user is not submitting.

Since we have a username, the Instance creation logic will handle checking for the forms existence by its id_string.

Raises:PermissionDenied based on the above criteria.
onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.create_instance(username, xml_file, media_files, status=u'submitted_via_web', uuid=None, date_created_override=None, request=None)

I used to check if this file had been submitted already, I’ve taken this out because it was too slow. Now we’re going to create a way for an admin to mark duplicate instances. This should simplify things a bit. Submission cases: * If there is a username and no uuid, submitting an old ODK form. * If there is a username and a uuid, submitting a new ODK form.

onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.dict2xform(jsform, form_id)
onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.generate_content_disposition_header(name, extension, show_date=True)
onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.get_filtered_instances(*args, **kwargs)

Get filtered instances - mainly to allow mocking in tests

onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.get_xform_from_submission(xml, username, uuid=None)
onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.inject_instanceid(xml_str, uuid)
onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.publish_xls_form(xls_file, user, project, id_string=None, created_by=None)

Create or update DataDictionary with xls_file, user id_string is optional when updating

onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.publish_xml_form(xml_file, user, project, id_string=None, created_by=None)
onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.report_exception(subject, info, exc_info=None)
onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.response_with_mimetype_and_name(mimetype, name, extension=None, show_date=True, file_path=None, use_local_filesystem=False, full_mime=False)
onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.safe_create_instance(username, xml_file, media_files, uuid, request)

Create an instance and catch exceptions.

Returns:A list [error, instance] where error is None if there was no error.
onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.save_attachments(xform, instance, media_files)
onadata.libs.utils.logger_tools.save_submission(xform, xml, media_files, new_uuid, submitted_by, status, date_created_override)

onadata.libs.utils.middleware module

class onadata.libs.utils.middleware.ExceptionLoggingMiddleware

Bases: object

process_exception(request, exception)
class onadata.libs.utils.middleware.HTTPResponseNotAllowedMiddleware

Bases: object

process_response(request, response)
class onadata.libs.utils.middleware.LocaleMiddlewareWithTweaks

Bases: django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware

Overrides LocaleMiddleware from django with:
Khmer km language code in Accept-Language is rewritten to km-kh
class onadata.libs.utils.middleware.SqlLogging
process_response(request, response)

onadata.libs.utils.model_tools module


Returns a dictionary whose keys are xform field names and values are instance::hxl values set on the xform :param include_hxl - boolean value :param survey_elements - survey elements of an xform return dictionary or None

onadata.libs.utils.model_tools.queryset_iterator(queryset, chunksize=100)

‘’ Iterate over a Django Queryset.

This method loads a maximum of chunksize (default: 100) rows in its memory at the same time while django normally would load all rows in its memory. Using the iterator() method only causes it to not preload all the classes.


Only give an object a new UUID if it does not have one.

onadata.libs.utils.mongo module

onadata.libs.utils.numeric module

onadata.libs.utils.numeric.int_or_parse_error(value, error_string)

If value is not an int raise a parse error with error_string, which is a format string that takes one argument, the value.

onadata.libs.utils.osm module


Combine osm xml form list of OsmData objects

onadata.libs.utils.osm.parse_osm(osm_xml, include_osm_id=False)
onadata.libs.utils.osm.parse_osm_nodes(osm_xml, include_osm_id=False)

Converts an OSM XMl to a list of GEOSGeometry objects

onadata.libs.utils.osm.parse_osm_tags(node, include_osm_id=False)

Retrieves all the tags from a osm xml node

onadata.libs.utils.osm.parse_osm_ways(osm_xml, include_osm_id=False)

Converts an OSM XMl to a list of GEOSGeometry objects


onadata.libs.utils.profiler module


Profile some callable.

This decorator uses the hotshot profiler to profile some callable (like a view function or method) and dumps the profile data somewhere sensible for later processing and examination.

It takes one argument, the profile log name. If it’s a relative path, it places it under the PROFILE_LOG_BASE. It also inserts a time stamp into the file name, such that ‘my_view.prof’ become ‘my_view-20100211T170321.prof’, where the time stamp is in UTC. This makes it easy to run and compare multiple trials.

onadata.libs.utils.project_utils module

onadata.libs.utils.project_utils.set_project_perms_to_xform(xform, project)

onadata.libs.utils.qrcode module

onadata.libs.utils.qrcode.generate_qrcode(message, stream=None, eclevel='M', margin=10, data_mode='8bits', format='PNG', scale=2.5)

Generate a QRCode, settings options and output.

onadata.libs.utils.quick_converter module

class onadata.libs.utils.quick_converter.QuickConverter(data=None, files=None, auto_id=u'id_%s', prefix=None, initial=None, error_class=<class 'django.forms.utils.ErrorList'>, label_suffix=None, empty_permitted=False, field_order=None)

Bases: django.forms.forms.Form

base_fields = OrderedDict([('xls_file', <django.forms.fields.FileField object at 0x7ffa07819390>)])
declared_fields = OrderedDict([('xls_file', <django.forms.fields.FileField object at 0x7ffa07819390>)])

onadata.libs.utils.string module


onadata.libs.utils.timing module

onadata.libs.utils.timing.calculate_duration(start_time, end_time)

This function calculates duration when given start and end times. An empty string is returned if either of the time formats does not match ‘_format’ format else, the duration is returned



Put this decorator around a function to see how many seconds each call of this function takes to run.

onadata.libs.utils.user_auth module

class onadata.libs.utils.user_auth.HttpResponseNotAuthorized

Bases: django.http.response.HttpResponse

status_code = 401
onadata.libs.utils.user_auth.check_and_set_form_by_id(pk, request)
onadata.libs.utils.user_auth.check_and_set_form_by_id_string(username, id_string, request)
onadata.libs.utils.user_auth.check_and_set_user(request, username)
onadata.libs.utils.user_auth.check_and_set_user_and_form(username, id_string, request)
onadata.libs.utils.user_auth.get_xform_and_perms(username, id_string, request)
onadata.libs.utils.user_auth.has_edit_permission(xform, owner, request, shared=False)
onadata.libs.utils.user_auth.has_permission(xform, owner, request, shared=False)
onadata.libs.utils.user_auth.http_auth_string(username, password)
onadata.libs.utils.user_auth.set_profile_data(data, content_user)

onadata.libs.utils.viewer_tools module

exception onadata.libs.utils.viewer_tools.EnketoError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

exception onadata.libs.utils.viewer_tools.MyError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

onadata.libs.utils.viewer_tools.django_file(path, field_name, content_type)
onadata.libs.utils.viewer_tools.enketo_url(form_url, id_string, instance_xml=None, instance_id=None, return_url=None, **kwargs)
onadata.libs.utils.viewer_tools.generate_enketo_form_defaults(xform, **kwargs)
onadata.libs.utils.viewer_tools.get_enketo_edit_url(request, instance, return_url)
onadata.libs.utils.viewer_tools.get_enketo_preview_url(request, username, id_string)
onadata.libs.utils.viewer_tools.get_form_url(request, username=None, protocol='https', preview=False)
onadata.libs.utils.viewer_tools.get_path(path, suffix)

‘xml_str’ is a str object holding the XML of an XForm instance. Return a python object representation of this XML file.

onadata.libs.utils.viewer_tools.report_exception(subject, info, exc_info=None)

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